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I’ve been ‘Rick-rolled’

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DYK more than 82% of manufacturers report a moderate or serious shortage in skilled workers? #Manufacturing #STEM

— Rep Rick Crawford (@RepRickCrawford) September 29, 2017

Well looky here. Seems that ol’ Rick Crawford missed his calling, and became an Arkansas Congressman, instead of a comedian.

Now I think y’all know me well enough to know I was taught better than to be ugly about someone’s hairpiece, and you’re absolutely correct. It was base and unkind of me to do so, and I apologize. However, I do feel it’s pertinent to give a little background on this particular transgression, not to justify it, but to give both sides of the story, so you can understand why I did it.

Let’s travel back in time a little over a month – when the initial ELD delay [amendment to the appropriations package bill –ed.] was voted on in the middle of the night, and Representatives felt compelled to get their butts up and vote at an hour most nine-to-fivers don’t keep. This intoned it might be an important issue to them, and I wanted to know why those who voted “no” felt strongly enough to do so.

So I asked.