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Ohio inspection, violation intensity

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CSAs Fallout bug Ohio
Find all the installments in the multi-part CSA’s Fallout series, in addition to national inspection and violation data and state-by-state rankings via this link.

Ohio inspection and violation intensity measures

Ohio ranks below the national average on overall inspections per lane-mile, but it makes up for that with being tough during those inspections. The state ranks 11th in the nation for violations per inspection.

However, if recent trends continue, the climate for truckers could improve. Just as overall state inspection numbers have fallen the last two years from about 75,000 total annually to just under 72,000, the 2013 level of 2.0 violations per inspection is down from 2.2 in 2011.

Unless otherwise noted, all numbers based on 2013 federal data analyzed by RigDig Business Intelligence. Find national inspection- and violation-intensity maps and data downloads for years 2011-13 via otherwise noted, all numbers based on 2013 federal data analyzed by RigDig Business Intelligence. Find national inspection- and violation-intensity maps and data downloads for years 2011-13 via