
Abused by apnea ‘witch hunt’

I oppose current practices at sleep clinics, which are raking in the dough with little care for drivers and their potential income loss. I have been pigeon-holed due to my weight. I was found to have no symptoms, yet I am sidelined with a CPAP machine and was told I must endure monthly medical card review. That assessment was invasive and reckless and has made me lose income and possibly my ability to earn income as a driver.

It’s a witch hunt with many good drivers affected by sleep clinics that have Congress in their back pockets. I’ve never had a ticket, accident or freight claim, nor do I have problems with sleep or rest. I’ve never felt drowsy behind the wheel. But here I sit with a CPAP machine. It’s wrong.

The safety groups behind this are making a profit for these so-called sleep clinics. DON LANIER | Godfrey, Ill.



“Until we deal with that 500-pound gorilla in the room, which is inefficient hours spent not driving, we will not solve many of the issues. Just imagine if drivers received pay for waiting at customers. Many compliance issues with logging would go away.”

— John Scott, of Mount, Morris, Ill., commenting on hours of service on Overdriveonline.com



“Drivers will be doing more work for the same money, while the trucking companies will be charging more for hauling more and shippers will be saving while shipping more. Is safety or profits the priority for trucking and shipping companies?”

— Tommy Lee Wade, of Orleans, Ind., in response to Overdrive’s Facebook query on heavier truck weight limits


Chart Untitled 1





What steps have you taken to improve your health?


Eugene Untitled 1“I’ve got high cholesterol, so I have to watch what I eat very closely.”


New Holland, Pa. | Owner-operator leased to Besl Transfer


Jesse Untitled 1“I cut down on my portions … no more fast food, lots more fruit!”


Charlotte, N.C. | Covenant Transport company driver


Paul Untitled 1“I get out and walk around. It feels good to stretch my legs and I get to see more of the town that way, too.”

PAUL WIENCEK | Crest company driver | San Diego, Calif.


Wayne Untitled 1“Quit eating french fries! There used to be more restaurants with healthier options. Now the only choices are fast food.”

WAYNE JONES | Owner-operator leased to Landstar | Trescott, Maine


Scott Untitled 1“I have a membership with a national fitness club. I can stop at any facility and exercise and take a shower for around $20 a month.”

SCOTT BOND | Laredo, Texas | Redco Transport company driver




E-mail your letter to the editor to Lucinda Coulter at [email protected] or mail it to Overdrive, P.O. Box 3187, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403.