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Former white collars turn to trucking

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Sacramento’s CBS affiliate ran a piece Thursday, May 17, casting light on a rising number of former white-collar employees turning to trucking for a job after losing their in-office employment. There’s no shortage of trucking puns, either.

“With our nation’s economic engine sputtering,” the article says, the “local white collar employees…decided to check under the hood to look for another way to get moving.”

Of course, the article says, “the found it by turning the key.”

The article quotes Bob Schauer, local driving school manager, as telling the TV station that fleets are “crying for drivers,” before quoting several of these former white-collar workers and why they decided to switch.

Brian Britt, former physician assistant, names the obvious: pay, free traveling and availability of work.

“This is one industry that cannot be outsourced to another country,” Schauer says in the article.

Read the rest here.