Sonja Morris

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Updated Jun 16, 2014

Name: Sonja “SAM” Morris
Occupation: O/O single OTR driver 48 states
Company: MGR Express
Years driving: 11
What do you haul?: currently-AKF, previously Ive hauled cars and trucks on  a wrecker, oil field fluids in tankers, winch trucks, flatbed, reefer, and doubles.

Morris, Sonja 11. Why did you get into trucking?  I saw a chance to finally become an independent  woman. I was able to support my daughter and be a  strong and positive influence.

2. If you could take one person on the road with you, who would it be, and why?  One of the many dispatchers or brokers I deal with on a daily basis who have never drove a truck or even been a passenger in one.  It would help them to better understand what drivers face on a day to day basis.  And yes,  i would be quite the travel companion.

3. What would you tell a young female who is considering a career in truck diving? Driving can give a  young woman the independence so many woman lack. A career that will make even the weak feel strong after they realize what all they have just accomplished at the end of another safe delivery.  Once you decide to become a driver you must stick it out 1-2 years minimal before deciding “I just cant do it”. Think of the first two years as paid college training.  You’re making making money but the daily pop quiz situations  are still being thrown at you. Even after that,  everyday is a learning experience.  You just learn to handle them easier and become  better educated on those crazy situations we all have gotten ourselves into.  Always hold yourself  up and walk with pride. Dress modestly. Treat others with kindness,. Be ever so thankful for all the kindness received, because as a new driver the experienced drivers are a much needed and appreciated friend. Remember to be safe at all times…No matter how silly you may feel. 

4. What is your definition of a beautiful trucker? Someone who gives that smile or wave when your going down the road feeling lonely. The one who helps you with something no matter what the weather  is like.  The driver who takes time to make sure you feel confidant with the directions you asked for before running off.  the driver who helps spot you in a tight situation. The driver who holds themselves to a higher standard and moral way of life, that her family can be proud of even while they are on the road away from home.

5. Why should you be chosen as the winner of Overdrive’s Most Beautiful? I feel I am constantly trying to better myself along with helping others to do the same. Loving others and the desire to help other people comes easily to me and is part of my daily life in and out of the trucking world.  Trucking has been a life changer for me in a very positive way.  I would love the opportunity to reach others and be in a place where i can be a role model helping others with goals and life changing opportunities.  

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