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Editor’s Journal


Truckers News expands online offerings

Randy Grider is editor of Truckers News. Write him at [email protected].

You probably have noticed your copy of Truckers News looks different. We launched a redesign in February that showcases not only the fresh appearance, but a new tagline, “Life on the Road.” The tagline reflects our dedication to you to provide a well-rounded editorial focus on the over-the-road trucking life.

In addition to our continuing coverage of major trucking issues, health and lifestyle, we now provide more equipment test drives, more products and more driver profiles.

But there is more than just our monthly print issue. As many of you know, our website,, provides all the content you see in the magazine (in digital and html version) as well as daily news updates and other content not found in the print magazine. These include our new Gear Guide page ( that highlights hundreds of trucking-related products updated weekly.

We also have a tremendous amount of health-related information on the site and on our companion page,

Complementing the entire online package are our Facebook and Twitter communities that allow loyal friends and followers to give us instant feedback on any topic they choose. Our Facebook page is a great place to meet fellow drivers, share information and discuss issues.

But we are not done. We will soon launch a free twice-weekly newsletter to help you stay informed about trucking-related interests while you are on the road. The newsletter will contain valuable information about the latest headlines, equipment, products, services, health and lifestyle topics. It’s the best of both the magazine and online sites, and it’s delivered straight to your inbox. Those who opt into the newsletter early get a chance to win a new Rand McNally Intelliroute TND 710 GPS and other great prizes. To sign up for the newsletter, visit

In coming months, you will notice more improvements to our website including a redesign and even more features. We pledge to give you the best online experience possible.

Over the years, the Truckers News staff has taken pride in being a publication that values input and interaction with our readers. We always want to hear from you. Please keep the dialogue going. You can leave us a comment below any story you read on the website, hit us up on Facebook or write us a letter to print.

We believe the changes we are making and the addition of the newsletter will help you stay informed on all aspects of over-the-road trucking. And whether it is in print or online, we strive to provide you the best information to help you stay ahead of the curve.