Eat this, Not that: Taco Bell

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Taco Bell’s Fresco line of entrees didn’t add more variety to its menu, but it took some classic Taco Bell menu items (such as tacos and burritos), stripped them of some less-healthy ingredients, added a sprinkling of vegetables and reintroduced them as a healthier option.

Eat this: Taco Bell’s ½ pound Fresco Style Combo Burrito

Not that: Taco Bell’s Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito

Calories and Fat: The Grilled Stuft Beef Burrito has nearly twice the amount of both calories and total grams of fat, registering in at 700 calories to the Fresco Style Combo Burrito’s 430 and 30 grams total fat to the Fresco’s 16.

Difference: The Grilled Stuft Burrito’s total fat count outweighs the Fresco burrito by 14 grams, with 10 grams of saturated fat. It also has 1 gram of trans fat, compared to the Fresco’s ½ gram. It has more cholesterol (60mg to 40mg), more carbohydrates (2110 to 1650) and more sugar (6 grams to 4 grams). The kicker – calorie count. For roughly the same portion, the Grilled Stuft Burrito has 270 more calories than the Fresco Style Burrito.

Taco Bell’s Fresco line offers healthier, less calorie- and fat-laden options by taking away some of the fat and calories and adding more tomatoes and lettuce. So next time you decide to “Think Outside the Bun,” take it a step further and go for one of Taco Bell’s healthier choices.

Check back weekly for more small changes you can make in your eating habits that may make big changes in your waistline. New Eat This, Not That features are posted each Saturday.