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Big Rig Videos, one year in — and Guilty by Association highlight reel

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Updated Oct 2, 2014
Chris Fiffie at MATS02
Fiffie at MATS So I startd it and it did OK, I was happy with it, but I also still had an interest in trucks. For fun, I’d take a driving job, just because, you can’t forget about it. I moved from South Florida to the West Coast of Flordia, in 2006 – moved into a town with no video services, I became the only source for that, commercials and such. I wanted to explore, though. I thought I’d take a driving job – a development being built – do you guys need any drivers. Need a low-boy operator – Brooksville, fla. – I drove for them – first time driving a peterbilt, I realy got hooked, a 2006 Peterbilt triaxle 500 hp – got hooked on what it was like to drive a really nice truck. Then after about eight months I left that company opened up my production studio, and I did TV commercials and training films for a couple years. Until 2010 – you remember the economy took a really hard hit – everyone was hit, same thing happened with me. None of the businesses were doing anything, no one was advertising I was dead in the water. Friend of mine said, hey, the Chrome Shop Mafia is looking for someone to come up to MATS (In 2012) to show their involvement there at MaTS. I did that for them, they like what I did. Bryan Martin said, hey, would you consider going to some other truck shows – that’s how the 4 State Trucks DVD series started. People started to understand hey there are these videos available. The following year, I was going to these truck sohws, I had lots of extra footage – in the movie industry, this would be on the cutting room floor. But I’d go to these shows and shoot horus and hours of footage and have a lot left.
I’d been seeing a lot of what people were doing on Facebook – it wasn’t interesting to me until I started friending truck drivers. I said, I’m going to make a Facebook page and put these clips on there – October 1 – September 30, I started the Facebook page and posted about have four or five clips there – 15-30 seconds long. I showed it to the friends that I have and it started going nuts. I had to close Facebook – if you’re on your computer and you get a notification – it was getting up to the top of the screen, it was going insane. Thousands by thousands an hour were likeing this page – 24 hours later it was just under 17,000 people.

[youtube BGvCtDwAN2o nolink]

As reported last week in this profile of videographer and former driver Chris Fiffie, the Big Rig Videos creator this weekend was on hand for the Chrome Shop Mafia/4 State Trucks’ Guilty by Association Truck Show. Fiffie’s highlight reel went live on Youtube and the Big Rig Videos Facebook page earlier this week (see above). Likewise as previously reported, Fiffie today celebrated with fans of the Facebook page one year since the page launched. He tells his story in part in the video below. 

When Fiffie spoke with Overdrive last week, he related the page’s launch in 2013 by mentioning how Facebook for a long time just “wasn’t interesting to me.” Until, that is, he “started friending truck drivers.” Ultimately, he took extra clips he’d worked with during his efforts shooting video and documenting truck shows for 4 State Trucks and the Chrome Shop Mafia, built the Big Rig Videos Facebook page and “put these clips on there.”

That happened one year ago today. “I started the Facebook page and posted about four or five clips there,” he said, “each around 15-30 seconds long. I showed it to the friends that I had, and it started going nuts” as notification blipped in at a rapid rate. “Thousands by thousands an hour,” he said, “were liking this page – 24 hours later it was just under 17,000 people.” 

Fiffie’s well upward of 100K today. Here’s his personal thank-you to fans, posted today: 

[youtube bCPivEfl0E4 nolink]

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