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Hey, Mr. Shipper! (or: Another selling point for dealing direct)

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Updated May 28, 2017
Tip of the hat to the Rate Per Mile Masters group member who posted this one recently — well put when it comes to the issue of scheduling efficiency at appointment facilities.Tip of the hat to the Rate Per Mile Masters group member who posted this one recently — well put when it comes to the issue of scheduling efficiency at appointment facilities.

Tip of the hat, also, to a different member of the Rate Per Mile Masters Facebook group (centered around for rate/negotiation and other business discussion) for a question he posed to the group, one that foregrounds the complicated nature of freight logistics in general and yet another one of those quandary-type situations:

When you book the load at noon, get to the pickup at 1 p.m., shipper says, “You’re late, you were supposed to be here at 10 a.m.!” What is your response? Or what is your would-be response if you just said what you felt like saying?

What’s your answer? What might in my mind be the best one under the discuss at the RPMM group: Essentially, You mightn’t have this problem, Mr. Shipper, if you’d dealt with me direct.

Oh, wait, would that constitute back solicitation? …