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Audio preview: Howard Salmon’s ‘The War Within’ to be unveiled at Mid-America

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Updated Mar 14, 2016
Independent owner-operator Howard Salmon

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Independent owner-operator Howard Salmon is back this year ahead of the Mid-America Trucking Show with another recorded song — a moving account of a soldier’s struggle with relationships, memory and more on the return home after combat.

Similar to his effort last year with the “Who Would They Look Up To” track, chronicled in the podcast below, Salmon’s planning a campaign to utilize “War Within” to donate proceeds from its to outreach efforts aimed to support for U.S. troops.

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Written by Dublin, Ireland-based songwriter Tom Byrne, the song proceeds from Salmon’s own first encounter of it, which resulted in what any listener will come away with after hearing it — a strong emotional sense of the pain that former soldiers can deal with back on the home front. In the end, the track effectively humanizes an issue that is huge for the American homeland, Salmon says.

The brief preview of the track gives you a little taste of what’s I’m talking about, and what’s to come. Salmon will have CDs of it available at the Mid-America Trucking Show, where he’ll be performing both Friday and Saturday nights with Joey Holiday in the Papa John’s Parking Lot in addition to appearing with Chrome & Steel and RightWeigh Load Scales at their booths. For every sale of his “These Trucks Are Made of Gold” CD at Mid-America — including a bonus copy of “The War Within” — three dollars of will be donated to organizations supporting U.S. troops.

Downloads of the track via iTunes and other online music retailers will likewise be available as Mid-America kicks off in Louisville March 30.

Catch the new track’s preview again at the head of our “Music to Truck By” playlist below.

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