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Downtime pursuits: More road music from Tennessee

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Dsc 0157Tony Justice moving down the road
First up, Allen Smith over at reports Tony Justice (featured in the blog here and here and last month in Truckers News) will be performing at a pre-Grammy Awards showcase in Hollywood Feb. 12. Congrats, Tony! If you haven’t seen it as yet, look for his excellent “On the Road” trucking-country record at Pilot stores nationwide. For more about the show, check out the story here.

Cumberland Collective revisited
Secondly, I know at least a few of you will happily recall my post back in December about the Cumberland Collective crew of songwriters/players in my hometown of Nashville, Tenn., here — and one of them in particular, whose “Somewhere New” track evokes nothing if not the freedom of the long road. I caught their regular show at the Belcourt Taps & Tapas venue here last month, and shot some selected moments from four of the songwriters’ tunes, culminating with the band’s performance of Collins’ tune. Enjoy it below.

The collective’s next Belcourt show is tomorrow — Thursday, Feb. 2 — if you’ve got downtime in Nashville, or live in the region.

The writers/singers in the vid are, in order of appearance, Clay Evans, Connor Rand, Mike Willis and Noah Collins. Debra Gordon and Jason Eskridge are on backing vocals here, clearly visible. For info on the remainder of the group, check out their Facebook page.

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