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Latest in distractions: One word, three letters, rhymes with ‘text’

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Earlier this week, as Kansas became the 26th state to enact a behind-the-wheel anti-texting law applicable to all drivers, the folks at hands-free headset-maker Jabra released results of a survey/study conducted in April that threw a little wrench (and more!) into all the late discussion of worrisome activities drivers engage behind the wheel of fast-moving vehicles.

While 28 percent of survey respondents admitted to text-messaging while driving, more than half that number, a full 15 percent of respondents, said they “performed sex or other sexual acts” behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Note that we’re talking four-wheelers here, of course, as survey respondents’ average on-road time per week was below 10 hours.

Said Jonas Forsberg, general manager for North America of GN Netcom’s mobile division, “”It is truly unbelievable what people are doing while driving.” But is it? I imagine you’ve seen worse on occasion.  

Here are the full published results:

Eating  72%
Kissing another person  29%
Sending text messages  28%
Performing sexual acts  15%
Putting on makeup  13%
Reading emails  12%
Reading newspapers or magazines  10%
Playing video games  5%
Shaving  5%