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New video: The perils of promising to run with Jazzy…

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“Promising to run with Jazzy is like making a promise to God, but God will forgive you if you break your promise.” –Lee Jordan, small fleet owner and father of 17-year-old runner Jasmine “Jazzy” Jordan, currently running across the U.S. to benefit the St. Christopher Truckers Development and Relief Fund

And so, for those who might have needed it, below find at least a little moving-pictures proof that it happened. Yes, I ran with Jasmine “Jazzy” Jordan part of the way on a 10-mile leg in her cross-country run. I was upright for just more than half of the leg, a personal best, as I wrote shortly after it happened.

To donate to the fund she’s running in benefit of, visit, or see Jazzy’s home site, You can find her and get regular updates from the road (she passed through Crossville, Tenn., just the other day), as so many other have and are (she’s up to more than 3,600 fans), on Facebook, too.  

Enjoy the vid, and keep the tips coming this way….

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