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Updated Dec 14, 2009

Texas regional hauler Texomatic (,>) is fed up, he says. “I am sick and tired really of minimal, zero, exposure on the national, regional or industry stage for all of us drivers…who make videos and put them out on YouTube.” Minus a story he says appeared in Road King magazine, little industry attention has been paid to a growing cohort of driver-videographers producing video work of various and sundry natures as they haul across the nation. I’ve remarked on the phenomenon via particular parties — such as TruckerSteve, DriverGeoff and the Keys Truckers, most recently — here, but on a broad level Tex is right. More attention is deserved.

That’s why he’s created a catchall site to promote any driver’s YouTube channel at>. There’s a growing list of folks there to connect with through their vids. And for more about his goal of driver connectivity and promotion via video, spend some time with the explication below (total runtime about 6 min.).

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