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ATRI seeks carriers' insurance data to study rising costs

Trucking news and briefs for Friday, April 9, 2021:

ATRI seeking carriers’ insurance cost data to study impacts on trucking
The American Transportation Research Institute is in the process of collecting data to better understand the rising costs of trucking insurance and how those costs are ultimately impacting the industry’s overall operational costs. This research was identified as a top priority for the group in 2020.

ATRI is asking motor carriers to provide data through an online data collection form that will quantify changes in deductibles, excess insurance over minimum requirements, and how drivers and fleets are balancing insurance costs against rising risk levels. The research will be complementary to ATRI’s annual Operational Costs of Trucking but will provide more granular detail on one of the most volatile cost centers in the annual analysis.

All submitted data will be kept strictly confidential and aggregated. As needed, ATRI will sign a confidentiality agreement. The data collection form is available online, and carriers are asked to provide data by Friday, April 23. 

Increased police activity planned for I-95 Friday, Saturday
Law enforcement officers from 15 states, from Maine to Florida, are participating in a two-day “Drive to Save Lives” traffic safety initiative along Interstate 95.

Today and Saturday, April 10, police will be dedicating additional patrols to I-95 traffic safety enforcement. Truckers and other motorists can expect to see an increased presence of troopers along the 1,908 miles of I-95, which is one of the most important freight corridors in the U.S. This year the initiative coincides with Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

“With April being Distracted Driving Awareness Month and Virginia’s new hands-free law, this enhanced enforcement initiative along the East Coast couldn’t come at a better time,” said Colonel Gary T. Settle, Superintendent of the Virginia State Police. “This time of year, people are on the road for Spring Break, vacations and outdoor adventuring. Keeping your eyes on the road, buckling up, complying with posted speed limits and never driving intoxicated, will help ensure your spring travels are safe, especially along the I-95 corridor.”