River States dealer’s biggest toy donation ever

For the last 17 years, River States Truck and Trailer has given back to the community by working with local organizations like Toys for Tots to fill the space under the tree at Christmastime for many children in need. Voluntary collections of $2 from employees who opt to wear jeans on Fridays are collected through the year and matched by the company at the beginning of November. All monies collected and matched are used to purchase the toys, bikes, sporting equipment, dolls, art supplies, Legos and the year’s hottest toys for the toy drive.

Over the years, River States has contributed in excess of $28,000 toward this cause, and 2017 was by far the largest donation with close to $9,000 spent on toys, plus additional monetary donations from employees.

River States also donates farther by volunteering in the Toys for Tots barrel distribution and collection at area businesses who also participate. Pictures of this year’s haul for Toys for Tots follow;

River States Toys For Tots 2017 12 04 14 29

River States La Crosse T4 T 2017 2017 12 04 14 29

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