Truckers for Texas

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As many times as we’ve been to, through and around Dallas, I’ve never really seen it rain while we were in the general vicinity. It’s gotten cloudy and sprinkled a little here and there, but I’ve never seen a downpour in Dallas. Needless to say, I was surprised when we arrived last week and there were thunderstorm warnings forecast, because of a lil’ ol tropical storm down near Corpus Christi. I was happy, because instead of being the surface temperature of the sun in Dallas, it was almost mild, and a nice breeze kept the humidity at bay.

That lil’ ol’ storm became Hurricane Harvey and by the end of last week, Harvey had swallowed Southeast Texas in 55 inches of water and devastating wind. Simply put, Harvey came to Texas and acted like a jerk.

We got out of Dallas before the rain began, so I’ve still never seen it rain in Dallas, but I did see the convoys of Georgia Power Trucks, led by flatbeds loaded with transformers and light poles, going into the storm as we were coming out of it. And once again, I was proud to be associated with the people who show up first, and bring the weapons to vanquish demons of devastation. (You’re dang right I’m being dramatic – it’s a helluva sight to see those trucks heading into what they know will be a dangerous situation. Makes me tear up and get all dramatic, I can’t help it.)

Drama aside, we all know the trucking community shows up first and gives the most. And while our brothers and sisters are on the road, heading into the danger with supplies, those of us who can will support their efforts by raising money for the Red Cross.

Truckers for Texas is a Facebook page set up by George Parker and Bill Weaver to raise money for victims of Harvey. The donate button sends your pledge directly to the Red Cross, no middle man. George and Bill have recruited all their rowdy trucking friends to do live Facebook performances on Saturday, Sept. 2, to help raise awareness and money.

Bill WeaverBill Weaver

Bill will kick everything off Saturday morning, and performances by Tony Justice, Jayne Denham, Jake Brake Junky Terrance Mathis and TRUK have been promised for time slots throughout the day. I may even do a live reading of one of my favorite blog posts, who knows? (OK, I won’t. Please don’t leave…)

Check the page for a schedule, everyone should have a time slot and be posted by Friday. Once again, truckers prove that they show up and put up and do what they do. Let them truckers roll.