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Spot market slips again as loads dip; a look at top states for freight activity

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41816MDIJPGSpot market activity took another small hit last week, per the weekly Market Demand Index from‘s weekly Trans4Cast report. The MDI decreased 3.6 percent in the week ending April 18, due to a 3.3 percent decrease in load availability. Compared to the same month last year, load availability was down 16.5 percent, and the overall MDI was down a comparable 16.6 percent. 

The index measures load availability against truck availability. Rises in load availability put upward pressure on the MDI, while declines put downward pressure on the index. The reverse is true for truck availability: A rise in truck availability would put downward pressure on the index.

The MDI reading this week was 12.5, signaling market favorability for brokers. According to, the 15-20 range signals a neutral market, while anything above 20 signals market favorability for carriers, which would equate to better leverage in rate negotiations. (An alternate reading of the same index by ATBS President Todd Amen recently suggested 12 was a good neutral-market number, above which conditions can be described as better for truckers.)

Here’s a look at the top five states with the highest MDI growth from the previous week:

Arizona, 40.01 percent

New Mexico, 29.62 percent

Wyoming, 26.18 percent

Colorado, 23.78 percent

Florida, 23.04 percent

And here are the top five states for load availability, per the Trans4Cast:




