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Nathan’s heart touches our soul

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Nathan's-heart-projectSo this happened.

I wrote a story about a kid from Pennsylvania earlier this year, Nathan Glasgow, who collected school supplies for other kids, because he felt like everyone deserved nice things to work with. Nathan touched lives across the country with his desire to do good, not only with his Nathan’s Heart organization but by just being an all-around decent kid from a great family with a positive message.

I got word last week, telling me Nathan was preparing to have surgery to remove a brain tumor, and that he was a very sick little boy. Apparently, he hadn’t been feeling well since the end of the summer, and had gotten progressively worse. His mom and dad did what parents do. They took him to the doctor, and the diagnosis they finally got wasn’t pretty. Nathan was suffering from mononucleosis, lyme disease and a brain tumor.

I felt like I had been punched in the face. It’s never OK for a kid to be sick. I barely made it through my pediatrics rotation in nursing school because I just can’t hang with little kids being sick. It takes a very special person to be a pediatric nurse — God bless them all.

Nathan spent most of December 1 on an operating table having the tumor, which is thankfully benign, removed. He did what we all expected Nathan to do. He made it through like a champ. He was in PICU (Pediatric ICU) until yesterday, but as of this morning he’s in a regular room. His mom has been kind enough to keep us updated on the Nathan’s Heart Project Facebook page, and we appreciate her taking the time to do that so much.

Nathan has a long road to full recovery, but according to his mom, he’s already said he plans on busting out of the hospital as soon as possible. He’s a helluva kid, and we have no doubt he’s got this.

Here’s a message from mom from the Facebook page –feel free to send cards if you feel so inclined.

A huge thank you for all the cards being sent to Nathan. They really brighten his days. For all the kids at the elementary school as well as anywhere you are welcome to send Nathan a card.

Here is his address:
Nathan Glasgow
PO BOX 195
Mapleton Depot, PA 17052

If you include your return address I’m sure he would love to write you back.