Thanksgiving 2014

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turkey-truckIt’s been theorized by health experts that people who are grateful, and express their gratitude, are generally better adjusted and seem to live longer, happier lives.

We have an abundance of things to be thankful for. So much, in fact, I often forget how truly blessed we are. Some days, it’s easy to sit and think how hard life is on the road, and how much easier it would be to lay up on the government’s dime. Every time the truck makes a funny noise or has to be put in the shop, it’s easy to slip into the “Why us? We’re good people, we do what we’re supposed to do” mode of thinking. I’m guilty of it, and I have to make a conscious effort to ban these thoughts sometimes, or they will consume me.

Tomorrow, we will see our family and do the things most families do on holidays. We’ll eat an abundance of food, and laugh and fellowship with the people who mean the most to us. And while I will relish in the atmosphere, I will also take time to be thankful for the things that aren’t so obvious.

We haven’t had great luck with the truck mechanically this year, but I’m thankful we have a truck at all. I’m thankful we’ve had to be resourceful and scramble to keep it on the road, it’s taught us a lot about what we can accomplish when we absolutely have to.

I’m thankful for the time away from our family, because it makes me appreciate the time we spend with them that much more.

I’m thankful for the cruddy places we’ve had to shower and sleep, because it makes me really take notice and express my gratitude to those who provide clean, safe places to take our breaks and showers.

And last but not least, I’m thankful for the people who don’t like my writing and express themselves about it. It’s never easy to hear someone say ugly things about something you’ve created, but it keeps me on my toes, and my critics make me a better writer.

On a personal level, I’d like to thank the truckers who delivered the groceries we’re going to consume this week. I am so thankful for the brother- and sisterhood that make our lives better by doing a pretty thankless job. You always are and will continue to be included in our thoughts and prayers – every day.

Happy Thanksgiving!