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Updated Nov 25, 2014

While we’re home waiting for the birth of the kidney stone, I’ve had ample time to sit in my office and booger the mainstream news. I posted the Kim Kardashian butt article to every news website and Facebook page I haven’t been banned from, but unfortunately, even Kim’s butt isn’t big enough to garner attention for good press in the industry. And that’s saying A LOT.

Kim’s giant butt was overshadowed this week by even bigger snowstorms in the Northeast (and that’s saying A LOT). I’ve spent tons of time on the Internet, checking for updates and posting any information I could that seemed helpful for our Facebook followers.

During my hours of trolling, I came upon a local news Facebook page, asking for stories from people in the area who might have been affected by the storms. I immediately posted a suggestion that the news do a story on the truckers who were stuck, and how it might delay Thanksgiving groceries. I was so excited that I might have actually found a way to get a story out that didn’t involve burning wreckage. I waited patiently for the news station to get in touch – because I was just certain they’d be all over my excellent idea.

Cricket**Cue the crickets chirping.**

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even the usual, “We’d love to do your story, but it doesn’t fit our criteria.” I was ignored completely on a thread that had about ten posts from the general public, none of which were leads to stories more excellent than my idea for one. I even resorted to click bait — “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT THESE TRUCKS HAVE IN THEM,” and “THIS IS AMAZING!”


I’m used to it. It doesn’t even make me mad anymore, it just makes me more determined than ever to do whatever is necessary to get positive trucking messages into the mainstream news. There are good stories to report, about human kindness and compassion amongst a brother- and sisterhood. I know this for a fact. I tell these stories all the time. So I’ll keep hammering at them, shaming them, boogering them and just generally being a pest until someone outside of the industry listens.

I think you’re worth it.

Keep on truckin’ – and know there are people out there who will advocate for you, even if it means being banned from every mainstream news Facebook page there is. God bless the truckers.