It’s the little things

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Wendy with sunglasses editIt’s official, I have my own headset now.

We’re on the RoadPro Council this year, and that means we get a ton of cool stuff in the mail. Every time we come home, it’s like Christmas. Usually, the products are geared toward George (because he’s the actual driver and the one using them), but this time, I got goodies too.

I’ve never had a headset because I don’t drive and the only person I would ever talk to on the phone long enough to warrant using a headset is usually sitting right beside me. Also, the ones I’ve tried on pinch my head and make me cranky. Of course, when we opened the box and there was an RK400 in it especially for me, I reverted to a four-year-old immediately.

“Is that for me? Ohmygosh, I’ve got a headset? Neat!!”

I popped it on my head and ran around the house making Star Wars gun noises. It didn’t pinch my brain at all, and completed my imaginary Boba Fett outfit perfectly.

“Uh, babe, I think they want you to actually make calls with it.”

“Pew pew pew!! Hands up, Solo!!”

“Seriously, you need to charge it and make some calls with it.”

“Pew pew?”


“OK, dang. I’ll charge it.”

So I charged it and got it ready to take on the road, so I could be one of the cool kids and have a headset at the truck stops, like everyone else.

I used it a couple of times to call the kids, and it worked great, but not having to hold the phone while I’m talking makes it difficult for me to concentrate on the conversation, because I don’t really know what to do with my hands. I also kept forgetting to put it on, so when someone called me I had to spend the first few seconds of the conversation yelling, “Hold on! I’ve got to put my headset on!”

I finally got an opportunity to use it for something important in Portland. George had been told he could pull through behind the hotel we were staying at, but apparently whoever told him that had forgotten about the brick wall in between the far side of the lot and the road. We arrived in the dark, and the next morning when it was light he realized he was going to have to back out – on to a busy street.

“I’m going to need you to put the safety vest and the headset on and guide me into the road. You might have to hold traffic up. Can you do it?”

“Oh gasp. I’m going to wear the safety vest too? Pew pew pew!!!”

“Babe, I need you to be serious about this.”

“I can totally do it. Pew pew.”


“OK, gah, no pew pew. I can do it.”

So we used the headsets to communicate and I stopped traffic in my sweet yellow vest and he got out on to the road lickety-split, without me getting run over or guiding him off the side of a bridge. In all seriousness, I was incredibly thankful I had the headset, because I was a little scared of running out into traffic without George’s voice in my head, telling me what to do.

“Good job, babe. You did it. You can take my vest off now.”

“No way. I’m wearing it. I’m official. I’ve got a headset and a yellow vest.”

“You’re a weirdo.”

“Pew pew pew!!”

I love my headset.