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Seventh-place winners: Booger, Bob and Duke

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Today’s winners are colorful, cute and a comfort to their owners.


BoogerBooger, the runt of her litter, was very small when she was a new pup. She wasn’t eating, and the veterinarian had to give her saline injections to help hydrate her. The veterinarian even said Booger might not survive given her deteriorating health. But now, at 5 years old, she is spoiled and loved by her owner, Tina.

“I had more sleepless night with her than I did any of my human children. Finally she was well enough to sell because I was breeding this litter to sell. Well as the story goes I just couldn’t part with her. She was a part of me by this time. She would sleep on my back at night because she had gotten so used to the sound of my heart that is the only way she would sleep. How could I give her to a stranger after all we had been thru together. I couldn’t. So here we are today she is 5 and just as spoiled as any child could be. I love my girl with all my heart and wouldn’t trade her for anything even after all the sleepless nights and the worry. I feel Booger has fought so hard to stay alive she should win this contest.”

Tina Fife | Owner-operator, R&R Transport Inc.


BobBob is a sweet orange-and-white bobtail cat who always rides with Ben.

“He’s the best and most loving cat. He snuggles at my feet when I sleep and is very amusing to watch him try to catch the windshield wipers!”

Ben Wilson | Owner-operator, Autumn Transport


DukeDuke the macaw is quite the companion for owner John.

“Duke and I have been together since he was hatched. Duke is 7 years old now and we are best friends.”

John Jr. Vedder | Owner-operator, Rocky Ledge Farms