I'm Just Say'n

The Ugly Truth

Carolyn Magner is not a professional therapist, shrink or even a very nice person. Her advice is meant to entertain you, not solve your terrible, desperate problems. E-mail Carolyn at [email protected].

Dear Carolyn,

I am sick and tired of you people telling truck drivers to lose weight. It seems like every time I pick up a magazine or turn on the radio, someone is telling me I should eat better and exercise more. I’d like to point out that it’s easy for someone like you to tell me what to do, but you are not behind the wheel of a truck. You don’t know what it’s like to drag into the truckstop so dead tired that all you can manage is to buy a bag of chips and then go back to the bunk and crash. My wife nags me about my weight all the time. I’ve told her to worry about herself, but she keeps at it. Can all y’all just move on to something else?


Dear Jason,

I admit it. I am a nag. I tell people what they don’t want to hear. If I told you what you wanted to hear, I’d be a girlfriend. And I’m not your girlfriend. Your wife and I are less concerned about your delicate feelings and more concerned about your health. Suggesting you lose weight and take a walk around the truckstop is about trying to keep you from having a heart attack, stroke or worse. It’s not a campaign to annoy you or try to make you feel bad about yourself. So stop making excuses about what you can’t do and start doing what you can do. Eat less, walk more. That’s a good start. (Tell your wife I said hi!)

I’m just say’n.

Dear Carolyn,

Are you this sarcastic in real life? Just wondering.


Dear Frank,

I am. But I can take it as good as I give it so that balances things out.

I’m just say’n.

Dear Carolyn,

I would like to tell all your women readers out there to never call their man on the road and tell him you “need to talk.” Seriously. We hate that request more than any other. I’d rather hear “Get home and clean out the basement” or “Your dog is lost” than “We need to talk.” If a gal wants to talk, just talk. Don’t threaten me with the implied warning of “the conversation.” Especially while I’m hauling cattle. I don’t want to provide a barbecue for the town I’m blowing through.

Cowboy Jim

Dear Jim,

I get your point, and I happen to agree. But you lost me when you brought the lost dog into it. Nothing is as terrible as a lost dog.

Ladies? Do you hear him? Save the big speech for when he gets home. It’s dangerous out there.

And don’t let the dogs out.

I’m just say’n.

Visit Carolyn’s I’m Just Say’n blog for daily love and relationship advice: www.truckersnews.com/ask-carolyn

Dear Carolyn,

My boyfriend left me a year ago, and I can’t seem to get past it. We dated for two years, and I thought we were going to get married. Instead, he came back one day and said it was over, he was sorry, but he didn’t love me anymore. I moved out, and we have not spoken since.

My problem is that I can’t move on. I’m stuck in the endless cycle of missing him, being mad at him and wanting him back. I told him to never contact me again, and he has not. But now, I wonder if I should just send a friendly text to see how he’s doing? I’m paralyzed by this and lots of good guys have given up on me because of the funk I’m in.

Do you think I need closure? Please answer soon because I’m holding my phone in my hand, ready to send the text.


Dear Anna,

Do not send the text! I know you think you need closure. It’s something we’ve been told is healing. But I happen to disagree. If I thought there was any hope he would change his mind, I’d tell you so. However, since he has not contacted you in all this time, the odds are he’s moved on. He’s also most likely not giving your failed relationship the energy that you are. You need to put this behind you. I don’t care how you do it, but it needs to be done.

One day you will thank me for not letting you send that text.

I’m just say’n.