
A Soldier’s Promise: The Heroic True Story of an American Soldier and an Iraqi Boy – By First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex
After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex was dispatched along with his unit, Dragon Company, to Husaybah, a small town bordering Syria in the Sunni-dominated Al Anbar Province in Iraq. It was at this checkpoint, amid relentless attacks, that Daniel and his men found the most effective ally of the war effort in the most unlikely of sources.

In December 2003 a skinny Iraqi kid, about 14 years old, approached one of the soldiers at the border and said simply, “Arrest me.” Jamil, as he was called, claimed to have valuable information about the insurgency, but First Sergeant Hendrex was skeptical – especially when the boy announced that the man he wanted to turn in was his own father. The story that unfolds is one of heartbreaking tragedy, remarkable courage and unprecedented resiliency, as this child risks everything he knows for a chance at freedom. And after Jamil helps save countless lives, First Sergeant Hendrex makes it his personal mission to repay the debt and get the boy to safety.
Abridged on CD
Retail: $29.95
Simon & Schuster Audio

The Dead Hour – By Denise Mina
Paddy Meehan thought she’d be farther along in her career as an investigative journalist by now. By three years after breaking a big story, she’s still on perpetual night shift, chasing police calls.

The domestic dispute at a house in a wealthy suburb seems like nothing unusual – at first. The elegant blonde in the shadows bleeding from a head injury doesn’t want any help. The next morning Paddy sees the lead TV news story: the woman had been tortured, beaten and left to die. Far from the spoiled trophy wife Paddy assumed her to be, the vitim was a prosecution lawyer with a social conscience that clashed with her privileged background. Soon Paddy begins to make connections no one else has seen, and after she witnesses the body of a suicide being pulled from the river, she finds surprising links between the two deaths.

The police who attended the call are twisting the evidence for reasons of their own, and her boss at the newspaper is impatient with Paddy’s unproven hunches. Only Paddy cares enough to pursue a dark and brutal truth that could make her career – or kill her.
Abridged on CD
Retail: $29.95
HighBridge Audio

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