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Inspiration from a pioneer

As I do with each issue of Truckers News, I read the July 2006 issue cover to cover, enjoying all the news, columns and departments concerning everything to do with trucking. One article, however, stood out – “One Man, Big Impact,” describing the life and contributions to medicine of one James Crudup. A truly inspiring story, surely worthy of inclusion in magazines of completely different genres. But finding this piece in Truckers News is a testament to the editorial quality of the magazine, which ranks at or near the top of the trucking magazines.

Of course, the rest of the issue was interesting and informative as usual, and I will continue to look forward to each issue. Thanks for a great story and a great magazine.
Walter L. Mitchum Jr.
Memphis, Tenn.

Strike a Blow: Vote
For five years I’ve heard a lot of talk of striking like in the ’70s, but as no two drivers can agree what time let alone choosing a date to unanimously strike, it’s moot.

There is, however, a “surgical strike” date every one of you knows and should partake in – vote Nov. 2. If half of the American truckers told their company dispatcher on Oct. 24 they want to be home Nov. 1, so Nov. 2 they could practice their civil liberties, the ripples in the pond across the country would send a wave to the monkeys in Washington, D.C., from the big banana to the Congress and Senate, that you have had enough of their “monkey shine shenanigans.”

If your company hem haws about getting you home to vote, notify the civil liberties reps. No company wants that kind of publicity, and if they don’t get you home to vote, you know they’ve become part of the problem with the industry.

Be silent no more. Vote, drivers. Nov. 2 strike a vote for change. God bless you all for all you do to keep America supplied.
Serena Gamble
Ft. Wayne, Ala.

Construction Zone Education
Good article [“Orange Cone Tango,” July 2006 issue], thanks for running it. Regarding the sidebar “Cut Off at the Pass” – I’ve done the rolling roadblock thing but have long since quit. The four wheeler behavior I was trying to prevent is, as you put it, “blatantly selfish” and rude, but those drivers no doubt felt the same about the big truck that was blocking them, and my action was inconsistent with promoting a positive image to those selfish, self-absorbed and reckless idiots.

I’ve always wondered why truck drivers don’t use all lanes available in these circumstances. That would eliminate the problem all together.

For the merge point going into construction zones, I wish we had a common law that enforced the obvious: Take turns, one vehicle at a time. Something similar already exists for uncontrolled intersections: When two vehicles arrive at the same time, the one on the right goes first. Neither idea is enforceable, but both establish standards, and there are plenty of decent folks who would respect them.
Dana Shifflett
Newton, Kan.

Write us
Send your letters to Randy Grider, Truckers News, 3200 Rice Mine Road N.E., Tuscaloosa, AL 35406, by fax to (205) 750-8070 or by e-mail to [email protected].

Letters must include your name, address and phone number for verification and must be no longer than 500 words.

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