
Cast of Shadows – Kevin Guilfoile

Reviewed by Bill Cummings, Owner-operator, Prime Inc.

Listening Time: 6 hours
Publisher: Random House Audio
Retail: $29.95
Genre: Mystery

Plot: A doctor’s career as a reproductive cloning expert and his personal life mix after the murder of his daughter. The doctor takes the tracking down of the killer into his own hands. But exactly what he does or does not discover is the question. His assistant, his wife and many others are keys.

What was your favorite moment? The betrayal at the end – wow!

Which character was your favorite? The doctor, Davis Moore. The story could not take place without his activities. I like him, but then again I don’t.

Did the audiobook have a message or theme? To me, the message is that no one should play God. Several characters in this story attempted to do just that.

What did you like or dislike? I liked the suspense and the unexpected turn of events at the end. But I was disappointed with some unanswered questions at the end.

Would you recommend?: Yes. It’s a mysterious novel with possibly a little insight into the future. Also, many will be inspired or turned off by the possibilities.

Narrator’s style: Peter Francis James accomplishes a difficult read while seeming to have been there. I enjoyed his voice and presentation.

How would you grade the book? B

Drama City – by George Pelecanos

Reviewed by Cathie Adams
Company driver,
Daimler Chrysler

Listening Time: 6 hours
Publisher: Time Warner Audio
Retail: $31.98
Genre: Mystery

Plot: Lorenzo has gotten out of jail and is trying to go straight, but his boyhood friend Nigel is still in a gang. Rachel is the parole officer who deals with Lorenzo. All three of them have their positive and negative sides, and it has them interacting with each other and other “good” and “bad” characters.

Which character was your favorite? I think Nigel was my favorite. He still walked the path of the drug dealers, but he also had a good side, brought his mother ice cream and was good to her.

Did the audiobook have a message or theme? The messages are about “good” and “bad” and how the two interact, and also that bad is not always bad. It is also about loyalty and faithfulness.

What did you like or dislike? It is a very down-to-earth story, and unfortunately it describes a lot of our youth today. It tells about the problems they face and how it is easy for them to fall down and not ever get up again.

Would you recommend?: Yes, to most of my friends. Some of them who have problems with foul language, even when it is used in context, wouldn’t enjoy it.

Narrator’s style: Chad Coleman actually read the story quite well. He had the right accent but was very understandable.

How would you grade the book? B-, only because the beginning was hard to get into. After the beginning, it held my interest.

Luckiest Man – by Jonathan Eig
Lou Gehrig was the Iron Horse, baseball’s strongest and most determined superstar, struck down in his prime by a disease that now bears his name. But who was Lou Gehrig, really? Regarded as the greatest first baseman in baseball history, Gehrig was also shy and socially awkward. Luckiest Man also reveals that Gehrig was afflicted with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) much sooner than anyone believes, as early as the spring of 1938. Despite his illness, he didn’t miss a game that year, keeping intact his astonishing consecutive-games streak, which stood for more than half a century.
Abridged on five CDs
Retail: $29.95
Simon & Schuster Audio

Drivers, here is your chance to review the latest audiobooks. Tell our readers what you like or dislike about the plot and characters, and why you would recommend it to other drivers. At left is one of the audiobooks available in the Truckers News audiobook library. Contact Kristin Walters at (800) 633-5953, ext. 1204, or via e-mail at [email protected] to reserve an audiobook. It will be sent to you free of charge for your review. Audiobooks are available on a first-call, first-served basis.

Audiobook Sources
Audiobooks may be purchased or rented from the following sources:

AUDIO ADVENTURES, (800) 551-6692, for 14-day rental of most major titles.
OASIS AUDIO,, for purchase.
Simon & Schuster Audio, (800) 223-2336, for purchase.
Audiobooks from these publishers, Random House, Time Warner and Topics Entertainment are available for purchase from, and