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Single Driver, Team Outdoorsman

It wasn’t a perfect day for turkey in Camden County, Mo., but Don Seman’s patience paid off.

They say if you can’t be good, be lucky. When it comes to hunting and trucking, Don Seman, of Republic, Mo., is both.

Hunting has been in his blood since he was 8 years old, and when he married his wife Debbie 11 years ago, the 58-year-old found a soul mate whose love of the outdoors would not only match his, but would become part of it.

Debbie knew she’d married someone who loved hunting.

“She’d never fired a gun, but she knew I loved it. I’d been on a national rifle team, and I have a shop where I load my own shells. I’ve just got to shoot,” says Seman, an owner-operator leased to American Central Transport of Liberty, Mo. “She’s learning about guns and about hunting, and it’s something special when I get off the road to be able to show her and go with her and enjoy ourselves together like that. It’s something to look forward to, and it doesn’t disappoint us whether we get something or not.”

When the couple married, Don settled in Missouri – away from his hunting buddies. Debbie decided she would take their place. “I thought I’d try and be there for him, to go with him and be interested in it because he loved it so much,” she says. “It really is special to be out there in the woods with him. And of course sometimes I just send him off by himself when I know that’s really what he’d rather do. That can be time when I get stuff done.

“I also like just sitting in his shop talking to him when he’s working on guns or shells,” she says. “Having something in common like that means hunting not only helps us do stuff together, it helps us get to know each other better. It makes his time at home much more special.”