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So, I'm Like, Be Cool

John Latta
Executive Editor
[email protected]

Kids today!

Every generation has had its take on “kids today,” but I have noticed this about the current teen generation: Change is a more natural and accepted part of their lives than any previous generation. Whatever age you are, you too have seen change come into your life when you were young. But far more slowly than today’s teens. I have a 14-year-old who barely shrugs when a technology he has come to accept is changed before his eyes. One sort of gaming system becomes obsolete, so he simply drops it on the floor, walks away from it and learns the new system. Videos are out and DVDs are in? No problem. This computer system has to be learned only to be replaced by a new one before a grade or two of school has passed.

Now depending on your generation, change came more slowly.

I’m thinking about this because of the new hours-of-service rule.

So many of you have built a system that you work by. Successfully. It is your profession and it’s a way of living and working that you have taken a long time to put together. Over time you have made adjustments here and there. Some of you may have left solo driving to go team or left flatbeds for vans. Some abandoned OTR to run dedicated or vice versa. Some just perfected the management of time, loads, equipment and routes.

But you did it to build a living, to become the most efficient and profitable professional you could be.