A Boy Accused

The Trial –
by Robert Whitlow

Reviewed by Rex Huskey
Baker Packing Trucking

Listening Time: 7.5 hours
Publisher: Oasis Audio
Retail: $29.99
Genre: Mystery, romance

Plot: This book is about a young kid, Peter, who is accused of killing a young girl, and a lawyer, Mac McCain, who is trying to save his life as well as his own soul. It takes place in the mountains of north Georgia and in Atlanta. There is his wife Anna, their son Hunter and the trials of starting a new life.

What was your favorite moment/scene in the book? When Peter helps crazy Cal study the Bible and regain his senses.

Which character was your favorite? Why? Mac McCain because of all he goes through and comes out of it OK.

Did the book have a message or a theme that stood out to you? There is a higher power, and anything can happen if you only believe.

What did you like about the book? Dislike? The book is somewhat slow. It takes a while to get into the story. But it has a good moral base to it.

Would you recommend?: Yes, it is a pass-time book, a little slow but otherwise good.
Narrator’s style: Rob Lamont is a good narrator, well-spoken and easy to listen to.
How would you grade the book? C

The Bone Vault –
by Linda Fairstein

Reviewed by Barbara Watson
Tyson Foods

Listening Time: 5.5 hours
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Retail: $26
Genre: Mystery

Plot: A young woman working for a New York museum is found dead in a stone sarcophagus, and the mummified princess who is supposed to be in it is missing. While searching for the killer of the young woman, Alexandra Cooper, an assistant district attorney, and Michael Chapman, a police detective, uncover some things that some people wanted to keep hidden.

What’s best (or not)? I liked Alex and Michael. For me there were too many characters.

Would you recommend?: I think that to really enjoy the book, you need to be interested in museums.

Narrator’s style: Blair Brown did a good job of reading the book.
How would you grade the book? C-


Drivers, here is your chance to review the latest audiobooks. Tell our readers what you like or dislike about the plot and characters, and why you would recommend it to other drivers. Below is one of the audiobooks available in the Truckers News audiobook library. Contact Kristin Walters at (800) 633-5953, ext. 1204, or via e-mail at [email protected] to reserve an audiobook. It will be sent to you free of charge for your review. Audiobooks are available on a first-call, first-served basis.

The Old West Collection:
Amazing Legends and Incredible Tales of the American West

The mythical legends and historical allure of the old West come galloping onward with The Old West Collection. This thundering eight-CD audio collection celebrates the epic events of America’s frontier, whether rediscovering the California gold rush at Sutter’s Mill in 1849 or recreating the outsize personalities of John Jacob Astor, Belle Starr and Billy the Kid. From racing on horseback for Oklahoma land in 1889 to Dodge City and Last Chance Gulch, The Old West Collection sits you around the campfire vividly recounting the saga and stories of a dusty, velvet-trimmed era.

Audiobook Sources
Audiobooks may be purchased or rented from the following sources:
AUDIO ADVENTURES, (800) 551-6692, for 14-day rental of most major titles.
BOOKS NOW, (800) 266-5766, for purchase.
Simon & Schuster Audio, (800) 323-7445, for purchase.