FMCSA Nominates Clapp as Administrator

President Bush nominated Joseph M. Clapp to serve as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s first administrator.

Clapp began his trucking career with Roadway Express in 1967. He was appointed chairman and CEO in 1987. He most recently served as chairman of Roadway Services Inc.

Clapp was also chairman of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences, a member of the Federal Highway Research Coordinating Committee, and chairman of the regular Common Carrier Conference of the American Trucking Associations Foundation. He is a three-time recipient of the Wall Street Transcript CEO Gold Award for the trucking industry.

“We’re excited to have Mr. Clapp come aboard as our first administrator,” said Dave Longo, public affairs representative with FMCSA. “His experience in the trucking industry will benefit the agency.”

The agency has been without an administrator since Congress created it in the fall of 1999. Julie Anna Cirillo, the agency’s chief safety officer, has headed the agency since the first of the year, when acting administrator Clyde Hart stepped down.

The ATA praised the move, saying Clapp’s operational experience in the trucking industry would prove useful.