Moving America Forward

This issue of Truckers News is dedicated to the men and women of the trucking industry who have assisted New York City and Washington, D.C. in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Word was barely out before trucking companies and truckers turned their trucks and other resources toward the relief efforts.

Truckers hauled everything from water to construction equipment as the massive search and rescue operation began. The outpouring of generosity was so immense that relief organizers actually had to turn away truck drivers and trucking companies because they already had too much help.

Unbelievable? Not to anyone who has worked with the trucking industry. You were known as patriots long before these cowardly terrorist attacks, and those outside the industry have seen the many television newscasts showing truckers in their true, generous light.

One trucker on the scene at Ground Zero said New Yorkers lined the streets waving American flags and cheering for them as they drove their trucks to and from the disaster area. Truckers participated in the bucket brigade, working side-by-side with firefighters. Around the country, truckers lined up at truckstops to donate blood and write checks for relief funds. Almost every major trucking company donated money or goods to relief efforts.

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) praised truckers in an address to the Senate: “For the past two weeks, our truckers have been valiant in their service to this country, delivering important supplies to the attack sites of New York City and Arlington, Va.”

Truckers News contributing editor Brendan Cooney talked to truckers and participated in relief efforts days after the attack. His photographs and stories are part of our special report, “Moving America Forward,” starting on page 22. Read our editors’ reports about the increased hazmat inspections, border restrictions, economic forecasts and other trucking issues related to the terrorist attacks.

Many truckers have called asking what they can do now to help the country recover from this devastating tragedy. The answer? Watch out for each other. Be aware of everything going on around you, stay away from isolated and deserted areas when you shut down, stay in contact with your dispatcher and report anything suspicious. Mostly, continue doing what you do best, safely moving freight across America.

This year, Thanksgiving brings a special set of thanks. Take time to count your blessings and be thankful for America’s courage under adversity. From the terrible evil has come good, too.

For that, we are very thankful.